Yes, here it is, the thing I was putting off for years because of analysis paralysis and a general fear and loathing of new technology. My old site ceasing to exist several years ago, unnoticed while I toiled down endless digital salt mines doing things like a ‘proper’ job and all that while continuing to put my art on hold. For years my thought process was ‘in winter, when it’s dark and horrid, that’s when I’ll make my website, this is the year.’ Then winter would come and another contract would extract all working hours leaving me dull and exhausted by the end of the week and in no mood for more self-imposed work. Until that proper job and life as a gun for hire contractor made me ill and my life was forever changed and I realised I couldn’t do that work anymore for those people. So I spent the last several years redesigning my life to escape said salt mines to do more of the things I actually enjoy doing with people I actually enjoy being around. Until eventually, after much grumbling and many you tube tutorials later, my new website finally emerged. It’s still emerging, and will probably continue to do so!

Somewhere to show coffee with floofy?
But seriously congratulations on the website☺️
Thanks Rob! Floos may pop up in the odd blog post.