
The Harvest, 1888, Vincent Van Gogh

A short history of art

Here’s my very abbreviated quick start pamphlet guide to art history for people who are too impatient to listen to audio tour guides. If you look up the top art movements ever the renaissance comes up as number one, and yes for technical reasons it was good but it lasted hundreds of years starting in […]

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Summer Exhibition 2024

Summer Exhibtion time

So its that time of year again, what to submit to the summer exhibition at the Royal Academy? I haven’t decided, I have a short list of my own and they are generally peices ready to go that are easy to transport. I have a couple of wildcards, they’re all peices I love so it’s

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Sunset swimming pools magazine

Enigma machines

‘’All good artists make the world around us seem more complex, interesting and enigmatic that it usually appears.’’ Martin Gayford, A Bigger Message Conversations with David Hockney. I agree with the interesting and enigmatic part but not so much the complex. A lot of artists strive to make their subject less complex and therefore more

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Artologie gallery Cuckfield

Artologie Gallery, Cuckfield

Crepuscular tidings. My birds are currently available at @artologie18 gallery in Cuckfield. Originals, prints, framed and unframed, coasters and cards. They have flow off to roost there for a while among the other lovely things, paintings and seasonal gifts. Artologie is a bit different, the artwork is actually stuff I like, impressionist and figurative work, every piece

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Brighton Morning

Brighton Morning

There’s no one around, or is there? a suggestion of some people but you only see their shadows. Look carefully and there’s 2 people in the restaurant enjoying a quiet space on this Brighton morning. This was my piece for the summer exhibition this year at the RA. It was the product of a particularly

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New website

Website, at last!

Yes, here it is, the thing I was putting off for years because of analysis paralysis and a general fear and loathing of new technology. My old site ceasing to exist several years ago, unnoticed while I toiled down endless digital salt mines doing things like a ‘proper’ job and all that while continuing to

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